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Front Page » Entries posted by Michael Lewis (Page 73)
Stories written by Michael Lewis

Term Limit County Commissioners At Ballot Box Not By Fiat

As Miami-Dade commissioners in coming weeks reason out a reasonable pay to seek from voters, some plan to tack on a provision to limit how long a commissioner could serve.…

Paying County Commissioners More Could Cost Us Far Less

Here come those dratted Miami-Dade commissioners again plotting a pay raise.…

Whats In A Name Big Brand Value If Names The Right One

Pity Miami newcomers: just when they learn a name, it changes. We can't keep our hands off institutional brand names we expensively create, then quickly destroy.…

Wave Of Economic Good News A Vital Confidencebuilder

All that's missing now is the faith of business and consumers.…

Tragic Wakeup Call For Fiu Suggests A Reverse On Football

It took tragedy to again spotlight Florida International University football.…

Nice To Good Why Only Some Restorations Make The Cut

The deficit-ridden county plans to spend $3 million to help restore derelict Miami Marine Stadium — a very nice idea indeed.…

No News Is Good News Or The Jobs Glass Is Mostly Empty

Expand the "no good deed goes unpunished" adage to "no good news goes untarnished."…

End Our Spring Baseball Shutout Marlins Should Run Home

As a Miami ballpark rises on time for a 2012 opening and on budget for $3 billion in tax spending, Major League Baseball shows its gratitude by wiping out South…

One Week Of Added Pixie Dust In Miami The Magic City

As historian Arva Moore Parks talks to two literary groups this week about the new edition of her book "Miami: The Magic City," I'll be wondering just what kind of…

Service Training Can Keep Air Travelers From Flying Away

No sooner had we detailed Miami International Airport's new customer service training last week than a study proved why it's so vital.…
